Thursday, September 01, 2011

My life in Uppsala

Hej to everyone!!

Biiiig greeetings from Uppsala, Sweden!!

First i am writing in english, i hope all estonians will understand it:) and sorry for mistakes, that i will do in english...havent studied english in my grammar is weak:)

I am in Uppsala now! Why? Let me tell you with some lines...if it is possible..:)
I am here taking part of one year Word of Life Bible school in Uppsala. Why did i decided to come here? I hade everything that one person needs - good apartment that i shared with wonderful good friend Egle, good job, super church with lovely people, but i felt inside of me, that i need to step in something new, i need challenges...i always wanted to do mission work, i know things God has spoke in my heart and things i desire to do for the Lord. And about half year ago (a bit more, in end of December and in the beginning of January) i knew there´s something that needs to change in my life. As i already sed I had wonderful job, i loved my kids in children home(Family home as we called it), but .....
So when i prayed about my life, bible school came in my heart - Livets Ord Bible school. Hmm...first it was crazy thought to will i go there, simple questions like - where will i put all my furniture, interior of my room and all my books, cloths and etc? i dont want to be apart from my wonderful church...we just moved together with Egle...i need money for one year to survive there, to pay my rent and school payment and so on...too many questions came forward. But i prayed more and with some months came the knowing in my hearth, that yes, if God wants me to go, He will make the way for me - solutions will come. I wrote to my pastors, to see, what they feel about it, they were very supporting and encouraged me to go. And then i knew with 100% , that I will go to studdy in Uppsala! And there was peace. It was God. Months passed by, i was searching living places here in Uppsala....every contact i had - nothing..put still there was peace in my heart. I knew God will provide me. Finally it was already last days of my stay in Estonia. I am jobless, all my things were packed and moved to my parents place in Rakvere. And what did i didnt had - living place in Uppsala. Wonderful! There was big peace in my heart, but for my family (not my mother, she is a christian and supports me a lot) it was hard to know, that i will go to Sweden without place to stay and without work. I knew God will provide, but unbelievers dont understand these things. I saw that they were worried, but what could i do? Just Trust God!!! So in this circumstances i came to Sweden. First two days i stayed at my friends place in Stockholm! Thank you Margit - it was such a big blessing to spend these days with you and that you opened your home to me! Then on Sunday we went with Santi (she is lovely woman from Stockholm, who were with swedish youths in Estonia last summer) to Uppsala. I have never been in Uppsala nor in Livets Ord Bible center, Santi has, but she didnt knew how to go there by bus. So it was day full of adventure to us. We saw with her, how God provides. There was so many miracles that took place on that day. I am still amazed. Every time we needed direction there was right person, who helped us - like angels in every corner. It was so amazing to see, how God leads people on your way to help you.

The same way i found my living place. I was there, in the Sunday meating, and after meating i knew, that i need to find me place to stay for that night. Where will i stay? I have some money, i could go to hotell, but i will put too much money on that and i know i need money for my food and living. So i put my trust on God, that He will help me and so it was. I met two wonderful girls, who helped me to find these people i needed to meet and because i didnt had place to live for that night, they invited me to stay in their home for the night. God is so good! It was prayer answer to me. And on the next day i already took my bags and went to this house, where i will live until my bible school studies. There were too many details during the day, that God made, that i cant write would be too long..but for me this day showed how much God loves me and that if He ask us to do something and we obey and do this - He is faithful and provides with everything that we need to do that, what He asked us to do!!!Halleluujah!!

I have one still one need!

Now i am believing a good job for me here!!! Doing my best, that i can and believing God will do His part:) I want to put 100% of my attention for what God has for me in this Bible school. There´s lots of reading and mission outgoings and helping ways in different fields in church - children, evangelism outreaches and so on...i dont want to miss these things, because of my job..but God knows, so He will provide me with the best job, so that i can do all these things and work also!

Ou..and school already started some days ago. Our international course is quite big in this year, more then 50 people. People from difrent nations and parts of the World! I am full of expectations about what God will do during this one year!

On my first day we studied on the subject - Character of God! Things that blessed me a lot were:
God wants to know you and me personally! Not thru another person, but to know YOU face to face! You are unique and this relationship, that you have with God - no-one has. He is so interested to know you, that´s why He maded you in the first place!! We cant know anyone without communication. If you want to know more God, you need to speak with HIM. So lets run before the throne of God and have a intimate relationship with HIM!!! He is our Father!!

If you feel you would want to support me during my bible school year, feel free to do it:)

I would be more then blessed if you do it!
My account number is Swedbank 221014275367 Riin Palu

Stay very blessed!!

As you saw, it was not possible to write with some lines...ehehe...thank you for taking time to read my blog!

I will try to update my doings here! As you see Efka - i did it!!!

With love,


Anu said...

I think it's cool that you started the blog in 1st of September :-)
And it was really great to hear your destimonies- so many already in such a short time!!
And- there's much more coming from where these came from :-)
You are continuously blessed!

Effy said...

My dear Riin, that is so awesome to see, how God is working in your life. And thank you for sharing this :) Miracles - wOw wow!!! I am so happy for you!!!! And you are in my heart - so enjoy!!!!!!!
Hugs my dear friend :)
Missing you too!!!