Sunday, April 08, 2007

this is who i am

This is me, one happy Estonian girl, who has big dreams in her hearth, dreams, that God has put inside of me.
I will write now some lines about me - just for you, who are reading this blog, to know who i am, ok?
I gave my life to God, when i was 15 years old. Before this, i didn´t knew who i want to be and what i want to do in my life, but God started to change my life and started to speak things in my life. Today everything i do,
through my daily life - i want to give all glory to Him, He gives me strength and wisdom and everything i ever need. My simple wish is to serve God through my life, to love people around me, share Gods love with people that lives around me. His LOVE that i can feel every day, this is something too big to put in words - you need to feel this yourself to understand...

Here, in my blog i try to share testimonies, what God is doing in my life!
Thank you for taking your time to read my blog. May God bless you strongly!