Monday, August 27, 2007

Nüüd siis olengi 25. Saabus teine rõõmsalt sõprade seltsis metsas. Mida veel tahta kui hommikul 7.30 saada kimp metsalilli ja tordi koos sõprade kallistustega. Parim sünnipäeva hommik. Tänu Jumalale selliste kallite inimeste eest!
Selleks aastaks saigi siis laager läbi. Oli mõnus 6-päevane telk-laager keset Letipea metsa-maad. Ilmad olid mega-super vinged, parimat ei oleks osanud oodatagi.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

this is who i am

This is me, one happy Estonian girl, who has big dreams in her hearth, dreams, that God has put inside of me.
I will write now some lines about me - just for you, who are reading this blog, to know who i am, ok?
I gave my life to God, when i was 15 years old. Before this, i didn´t knew who i want to be and what i want to do in my life, but God started to change my life and started to speak things in my life. Today everything i do,
through my daily life - i want to give all glory to Him, He gives me strength and wisdom and everything i ever need. My simple wish is to serve God through my life, to love people around me, share Gods love with people that lives around me. His LOVE that i can feel every day, this is something too big to put in words - you need to feel this yourself to understand...

Here, in my blog i try to share testimonies, what God is doing in my life!
Thank you for taking your time to read my blog. May God bless you strongly!